Differentiate Instruction with Teacher Toolbox



Teacher Toolbox supports on-level whole class and differentiated instruction. A digital collection of instructional resources for Grades K–8, the Teacher Toolbox provides access to hundreds of teacher- and student-led lessons, activities, and implementation supports for mathematics and English language arts.

The content you see on Teacher Toolbox depends on the programs to which you subscribe. This article will focus on Teacher Toolbox for Ready® instruction, but you will also have access to Teacher Toolbox if you are a Magnetic Readingor i–Ready Classroom Mathematics user.

To get started with Teacher Toolbox:

Follow the recommendations in i-Ready reports.


Teacher Toolbox works seamlessly alongside your i-Ready data to help you plan teacher-led instruction that addresses the learning needs of each student. After students complete the Diagnostic, you can view the recommended resources for instruction in reports to find the Teacher Toolbox lessons that best support each group. 


Teacher Toolbox can be used with these i-Ready reports:

  • Diagnostic Results (Student)
  • Instructional Groupings
  • Prerequisites (Mathematics only)
  • Grade-Level Scaffolding (Reading only)
  • Personalized Instruction Summary (i-Ready Personalized Instruction): Identify the lessons for which students have received an alert, then log on to Teacher Toolbox to find resources to support that standard (see more information below).

Match the standard you want to teach with the corresponding lesson.


Teacher Toolbox is organized by lesson and standard so it can more easily support your planning. Start by identifying the standard you want to teach or support. Then, navigate to the correct grade level for that standard, and open up the lesson number in the column on the far left side of the Classroom Resources tab. Here, you’ll be able to access all instructional materials available for that lesson.



Choose the right resources to support your instructional plan.


Teacher Toolbox provides resources to support both on-level and differentiated instruction, including lessons, practice, multimedia content, student-led activities, and classroom discourse supports. Use the Teacher Toolbox Resource Selector Tools to identify the resources that best fit the needs of your students and classroom.

Some additional resources to help you find the right instructional materials are:

Assess students’ mastery of standards.


To evaluate students’ mastery of standards, use standards-based Interim Assessments for Ready Reading and Lesson Quizzes and Unit Assessments for Ready Mathematics, all available under the Classroom Resources tab on the Teacher Toolbox. You can also visit the Assessment Practice tab to find full-length practice tests that closely match the cognitive rigor and item types on the state assessment.

Recommended Resources


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